44th International Medical Scientific Congress Of MMSA MACEDONA

The beginnings of the international congress date back to 1977. Its long-standing and
uninterrupted tradition of forty-six years speaks for its success and quality, making it one of the
oldest student congresses in Europe. More than three hundred students and young doctors from
the Republic of Macedonia and abroad take an active part in the congress every year. Another
great recognition is that this congress is one of the seven congresses organized by student
organizations that are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) and by the
International Federation of Medical Student Organizations (IFMSA). The Congress consists of
two parts that are equal in importance: -research part in which students and young doctors aim to
write a scientific paper and present it before an expert committee; -academic lectures and
Any full-time student from the medical faculties in the country and abroad can apply for writing
a scientific paper, under the mentorship of a professor of their choice. A specific topic is
elaborated, a poster and a Power Point presentation are prepared, which are presented in front of
an audience during the congress. A committee made up of professors from the Faculty of
Medicine from Skopje is in charge of their scoring and assessment, but this year we have
planned to include professors from abroad as well. Each professor individually and impartially
evaluates each presentation and at the end, awards are given, namely: -first, second, and third
place for the best oral presentations and -first, second, and third place for the best poster
presentations. With this type of competition, the emphasis is not only on the oratorical abilities
of the participants but also on their artistic side and the work they put into creating and designing
the posters. In addition, all papers are published in an abstract that is published after the
congress. The other part is trainings, and lectures on several areas and topics, with the help of
which students connect their knowledge with the everyday experiences of the lecturers. The
preliminarily conceived program is set up in such a way that through interactive communication,
all aspects of modern medicine are covered, and adapted to the knowledge of the participants.
Among other things, presentations are also held in the field of pharmacology, medical ethics and
public health. As part of the congress, in addition to the educational part, there is also a social
part, which includes parties, socializing and games. With this, we further contribute to better
interaction and the strengthening of new acquaintances among the attendees. As a summary, we
will point out that the scientific program consists of the following: ·Academic lectures - held by
professors at the Faculty of Medicine in Skopje, as well as by renowned professors from other
European universities. Workshops - sessions on a variety of practical topics in the field of
medicine, scientific research and the health system. ·Commercial exhibitions - to see and get to
know new products, procedures and services intended for assistance in the work of health
professionals, presented by experts from leading companies and private clinics. ·Oral
presentations - selected from the reported abstracts of scientific papers made by students and
young doctors. ·Poster presentations - discussion around the displayed posters selected from the
submitted abstracts. ·Awards - the congress jury, which awards a prize for the best poster and
oral presentations. The awarded participants will be announced at the closing ceremony of the


Workshop and Lectures

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