The Standing Committee on Human Rights and Peace (SCORP) is a dedicated group of individuals who are part of the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA). As the largest student organization in the world for medical students, IFMSA is committed to improving the conditions of human rights and peace in the society we live in. SCORP is one of the many committees under IFMSA that focuses on achieving this goal.

SCORP is involved in a variety of activities that aim to raise awareness of human rights and peace. These activities include training medical students on the subject, organizing campaigns and actions, researching problems related to human rights and peace, and more. The committee strives to encourage students to promote and protect human rights, to acquaint them with various forms of humanitarian actions, and to promote these actions to the general population.

The vision of SCORP is one where people are happy and satisfied, and where every individual has the right to live without fear. This committee works towards creating a world where everyone is protected from violence, discrimination, and exploitation. SCORP is always open and prepared to cooperate with other committees and organizations to improve the environment in which we live.

To achieve their goals, SCORP collaborates with various organizations and institutions. The committee is constantly seeking new partnerships and is always open to new ideas and suggestions. If you have any questions or require more detailed information, you can contact the National Officer- Nikola Trajanoski and Local Officer- Kristina Pavloski. They will be happy to assist you in any way they can.

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